If combined with speaking close to the mic this will create an ultimate bad quality microphone sound. REDUCE YOUR VOLUME BEFORE LISTENING Speaking close to the microphone Shout into the microphone Otherwise, you can add some volume later in post with any audio editing software. If you have a pre-amp, you can turn up the gain knob to make your audio louder for even less pleasant audio experience.

Try speaking very close to the microphone, whereas you are almost touching it. Here is a clean audio sample and we will try and work with it when applying effects to make it sound bad: Normal audio Speak close to the microphone Otherwise, if you don’t want to use any effects you can make the microphone sound bad by speaking or shouting very loud into it which will create an audio clipping effect and cause distortion.īreathing into the microphone and loud mouth clicks will add an extra dimension to the bad audio you desire. You can make the microphone sound bad and distorted using various effects on a DAW such as EQ, Reverb and Distortion or by exporting using low-quality audio settings.